David Jones MP Attends 30th Celebration of Ruthin Market

Clwyd West MP, David Jones attended the 30th birthday celebrations of Ruthin Country Market at the Market Hall, Ruthin.

He met many of the volunteers who have been involved in operating the market since it was established in 1981.

The market is celebrated for its homemade produce and crafts, which attract a loyal following of local shoppers every week.

David Jones said:

“The market is living proof that the Big Society is not a new concept; it is something that has been going on for many years.

“The Country Market movement has its roots in the post-First World War legislation of David Lloyd George, which was aimed at making Britain a land fit for heroes. Allotments were established and the WI Markets (as they were known) were introduced to enable the produce to be sold.

“Although the markets are no longer operated by the WI, the same ethos still prevails – enabling local people to grow, sell and buy fresh high-quality produce and goods at reasonable prices.

“I congratulate the market on achieving this important milestone and wish it well for the future.”

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