Davies: ‘Excessive’ & ‘wasteful’ refurbishment costs

By next April, 16 million pounds would have been spent on refurbishment and maintenance of the Welsh Government’s Cathays Park building over the previous four years.

The costs have been released to the Welsh Conservatives, who have questioned the amount of public money being used in the current economic climate.

During 2008/09, 09/10 and 10/11, the total spend annually exceeded four million pounds, with a further three-point-seven million projected for 2011/12.

Separate figures show maintenance and repairs alone average approximately one million pounds a year. ‘Refurbishment’ and ‘upgrading’ would therefore make up the remainder.

Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the Assembly, Andrew RT Davies AM, obtained the costs. He said:

“I have real concerns over efficiency and value-for-money at this site.

“There are untold numbers of businesses in Wales that would benefit from financial support, yet Labour is busy splashing out bags of taxpayers’ cash on its civil servants’ offices.

“A multi-million pounds refurbishment programme was publicly shelved after being seriously considered by Labour in 2009, despite the recession. Yet still they are spending millions on refurbishment and upgrading. This is an issue that needs to be clarified as soon as possible.

“While upkeep of the building should certainly be expected, I fear these costs are excessive and wasteful during the current climate”.

Shadow Minister for Finance, Paul Davies AM, said:

“These figures demand urgent assurances from the First Minister on management of the Cathays Park building.

“A million pounds a year on both maintenance and repairs already appears inefficient.

“Additional millions on new office furniture is extremely worrying – particularly in the current economic climate”.

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