Davies: ‘Glaring omissions’ in transport plan

Commenting on the Local Government Minister’s four year transport plan, Shadow Minister for Transport Byron Davies AM, said:

“There are some glaring omissions from this plan that beggar belief.

“I am astounded at the lack of any vision for the M4. While ongoing commitments may be acknowledged, this cannot be a comprehensive strategy that talks of east-west routes and economic growth when it fails to properly deal with our only motorway.

“While no-one is expecting a magic bullet in the current financial climate, the Chancellor has made it quite clear that he is prepared to work with the Welsh Government on this issue. I sincerely hope the minister plans to take him up on those discussions at the earliest opportunity.

“Also missing are further updates on the opening of a direct rail link between Ebbw Vale and Newport. This is a crucial development for people living in that area of Wales, yet Labour continues to dither.

“It is incredibly disappointing that this plan also fails to touch upon access to Cardiff Airport. New options must be considered and a review conducted.

“While I welcome other announcements of investment across North, Mid and South Wales, I remain cautious over the success of the sustainable travel scheme. This is an idea that deserves further hard work and commitment but also demands feedback.

“How well is it working? How many people are signing up to new ways of thinking? When many millions of pounds of public money are being used to develop sustainable travel centres, these are questions that need answers.”


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