Davies: £34m repair and redecoration bill

The Welsh Government spent over 14 million pounds on renovation and repairs to its estate last year; an increase of almost five million pounds on 2010/11.

In total, over 34 million pounds has been spent on government buildings in Wales during the last three years.

The figures – obtained by the Welsh Conservatives – show costs for renovation, redecoration, maintenance and repair, furniture, and ‘space planning’.

In her response to a written question, the finance minister also said: ‘The Welsh Government continues to achieve significant savings by reducing both the size and cost of its estate’.

Shadow Minister for Finance, Paul Davies AM, said:

“While general upkeep remains essential, the scale of this on-going bill is a cause for great concern and should be urgently addressed by the first minister.

“His finance spokesman has the cheek to claim that significant savings are being made, yet her furniture and repair bill jumped by almost 50 per cent last year. Either the first minister’s team does not have a grip on the figures or they need to look very carefully at whether the current strategy really is saving money.

“Welsh taxpayers rightly expect value for money when it comes to these repairs and upgrades – not a bottomless money pit that swallows public funds.

“I urge the first minister to review maintenance and repair contracts and ensure efficiency and value for money are at the very top of the agenda.”

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