Davies: Awema update shirks accountability

Commenting on the Finance Minister’s update on the Awema fiasco, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the Assembly Andrew RT Davies AM, said:

“Another statement, another example of accountability shirked by the Labour government. This statement should have been made in the chamber, with questions from all parties to follow.

“Steps to safeguard Awema’s remaining public funds are welcome of course. It’s a shame they’re eight years and eight million pounds too late.

“Ministers had the advice and recommendations. Safeguarding funding at Awema should have been top of the agenda from 2004 onwards. Instead, their ignorance helped create a titanic public funding disaster.

“I have now sent two letters to the First Minister relating to close links between the Labour party and the Awema hierarchy. As yet, my calls for guarantees of due diligence in decision-making remain unanswered.”


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