Davies: Debate focus on electrification

Welsh Conservatives will call on the Welsh Government to work more positively and constructively towards further electrification.

During an opposition debate the group will appeal to ministers for closer liaison with local authorities, Welsh MPs and the Department for Transport to deliver electrification to Swansea and the Valleys network.

An integrated strategy to connect South and West Wales to the electrified mainline will also be highlighted as an urgent requirement.

Under the last Labour Government, the UK had one of the lowest proportions of electrified rail track in Europe. In 2005, only 33 per cent of the network was electrified compared to 55 per cent in Germany, 69 per cent in Italy, 77 per cent in Sweden and 100 per cent in Switzerland.

Not a single piece of Welsh rail track was electrified under Labour.

Speaking to ITV Wales, the First Minister recently claimed his ‘greatest fear’ was ‘passengers having to change from electric trains to diesel at Cardiff’. This is not a realistic concern as trains would be ‘bi-modal’.

Shadow Minister for Transport Byron Davies AM – who will lead tomorrow’s debate – has questioned the First Minister’s negative approach:

“There is clear cross-party support for further electrification in Wales – but we need a much more positive and constructive approach from the government.

“Deliberate scaremongering serves no helpful purpose. Efforts should instead be aimed at obtaining what’s best for the people of Wales.

“An integrated and effective transport system is crucial for our economic growth and Welsh Conservatives want to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by electrification.

“A boost in Welsh ministerial work with MPs, local authorities and the Department for Transport has got to be at the top of the agenda if we are to succeed in this aim.”


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