Davies: Give Your Dog a Present this Christmas

Jocelyn Davies AM has called on dog-owners throughout Wales to consider giving their dogs the best Christmas present ever and have the micro-chipped.

The Plaid Cymru AM repeated her calls as legislation which will make it a requirement to micro-chip all pups in Wales is currently the subject of national consultation.

Many believe that micro-chipping pet dogs would help reduce the number of strays by helping to reunite them with their owners. The chips could also be used to identify dog owners who are responsible for cruelty to their animals, promoting dog fighting or allowing dog fouling.

At present, dog owners are required to ensure that their dogs wear collars with names and addresses in all public places.

Jocelyn Davies AM said:

“Micro-chipping your dog is possibly the best Christmas present you could give get for the beloved pet. It’s a relatively cheap process which won’t hurt the dog and will provide reassurance for the whole family should he go astray.

“There are also welfare considerations which make micro-chipping a dog a sensible decision and legislation to make it a requirement to micro-chip has been proposed in Wales.

“There are certain dog-owners who, unfortunately, promote dog fighting. The presence of micro-chipping ensures that the authorities can identify the owners who are responsible for this cruelty so that they can be prosecuted”.

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