Davies: How can businesses have faith in Marxist Minister?

Welsh Conservatives have urged the First Minister to distance himself from the Marxist comments of his Labour Enterprise Minister.

Last week, during a debate on the Welsh economy, Edwina Hart condemned the capitalist system.

Andrew RT Davies AM, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the National Assembly, has challenged the First Minister on his Government’s aversion to the private sector and compared the Minister’s bizarre declaration to an Education Minister denouncing the alphabet.

Andrew RT Davies said, “At a time when people are losing their jobs and many small businesses are struggling to stay afloat, Ministers should be doing all they can to bolster confidence in the Welsh economy.

“An Enterprise Minister declaring regret for the capitalist system is as ridiculous as an Education Minister denouncing the alphabet.

“In Wales we have a Labour Government, which treats the private sector and anything else not under the direct control of Ministers, with suspicion.  It is little wonder that Wales is losing out to other parts of the UK, when Welsh Labour Ministers have such little respect for investors and job creators.

“Faced with a fragile economic recovery, the Minister should be inspiring confidence in the Welsh economy to encourage prospective investors rather than harking back to outdated socialist dogma.

“Right now, our businesses need extra support and total backing, not a Marxist champion who’s dragging the Labour Party back to an ideological class war they lost in the 1980s.”

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