Davies: Inaction over continuing care claim backlog

The Welsh Labour Government is struggling to cope with a growing backlog of claims for nursing care charges, which should have been paid for by the NHS, Welsh Conservatives claimed today.

2,450 claims, most of which date back beyond 2003, are now awaiting review by Welsh Local Health Boards in a lengthy and bureaucratic process, which requires claims to be reviewed in strict chronological order, regardless of the individual merits of each case.

In response to written questions from Andrew RT Davies AM, the Health Minister confirmed that arrangements are now in place to deal with retrospective claims by June 2014.

Andrew RT Davies AM, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the National Assembly, said, “It is unacceptable that so many patients, or in many cases their surviving relatives, have been waiting for a decade for a resolution to their claim for reimbursement.

“Many families have suffered unnecessary distress because their claim has been in the queue for so long the patient concerned has not lived long enough to see redress.

“Despite previous assurances from the Welsh Labour Government, the rising claim backlog means the debt interest bill for the taxpayer is rising every day, already into millions of pounds, far beyond the £2.5million figure breached 18 months ago.

“Many relatives had been given estimates of when their case would be considered, but are now learning they have been delayed even further and will face the anguish of waiting until 2014.

“I want to hear reassurances from Ministers that the process is now on track to guarantee that all outstanding claims will be considered before the 2014 deadline because previous performance does not inspire confidence.

“Action is needed to streamline the process and cut out unnecessary bureaucracy as well as examining staff numbers to speed up the processing of continuing care claims.

“Ministers need to get a grip on the situation to resolve the backlog of claims efficiently and effectively to end the needless suffering of the thousands of families affected.”

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