Davies: NHS undermined by lack of accountability

Welsh Conservatives will tomorrow demand greater transparency and accountability in decisions affecting the Welsh NHS.

Speaking ahead of the party’s Opposition debate in the National Assembly, Shadow Health Minister Andrew RT Davies called for a new era of openness with medical staff given a greater say over the way the service is run.

He said:

The Assembly Government’s obsession with centralised control is undermining transparency and accountability in NHS Wales.

“The Minister’s proposal to cut the number and membership of Community Health Councils is anything but developing their role and will seriously inhibit the ability of CHCs to adequately represent patients.

“It is equally appalling that the Minister has refused to investigate reports that £1 billion of the health budget is not spent properly every year.

“This money could make a huge difference to the quality of patient care in Wales and WAG must investigate this issue, rather than try and cover up the mistakes.

“I also have concerns that the Assembly Government does not actively collect health data on issues such as funding for cancer, stroke and heart disease.

“It is essential that WAG has the ability to provide analysis of the data that is available so that the performance can be monitored and improved.

“Only by improving accountability and transparency can we act drive up standards in the NHS in Wales.”


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