Davies & Sandbach: Schmallenberg awareness must be improved

Welsh Conservatives have called on the Welsh Government to improve awareness and understanding of the Schmallenberg virus within rural communities and the farming industry.

Asking an urgent question on the issue in the Senedd this week, the Leader of the Welsh Conservatives in the Assembly also requested an update on the risk presented to Wales by the virus.

Andrew RT Davies AM said:

“At this stage, it’s absolutely vital that the Welsh Government gets its act together and gives farmers as much information as possible.

“I accept that the chances of there being cases in Wales in the near future are very high and it’s for this reason that awareness must be raised as a matter of priority.

“Farmers should not be left to their own devices to research or dig out the facts they need somehow. In the interests of all, they should be fully informed of what to look out for.

“The Minister also needs to be mindful of the implications of this virus on the capacity of animal health teams across Wales, given their current workloads on Bovine TB and other notable diseases.”

Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs, Antoinette Sandbach AM, said:

“For management of this virus and its potential consequences to be effective, there needs to be a successful two-way street between the farming industry and the government.

“If those on the ground are fully aware of what to look out for, the government can subsequently be properly notified of any possible issues.

“It’s now up the minister to make sure that system is in place.”


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