Davies: Welsh Government’s failure by numbers

Welsh Conservatives today accused the First Minister of acting like Nero, dithering and dawdling his way through a year in office.

After three terms and almost a year since the Assembly elections, Welsh Conservatives today published Welsh Labour’s worst failings.

There has been barely any progress on Labour’s main pledges, while unemployment is the highest of any UK nation, the Welsh NHS is facing unprecedented cuts and a third of children are living in poverty.

Andrew RT Davies AM, Leader of the Opposition, said, “Welsh Labour Ministers are acting like Nero, fiddling while Rome burns.

“Labour Ministers seem content to stand by and watch as Welsh patients are denied access to cancer medicines, as our economy falls further behind developed nations and as child poverty continues to blight communities and rob young people of their ambition.

“Labour has had a year in office since the Assembly elections and since the referendum which gave them new powers and all we have seen is one Bill on local government bye-laws – hardly setting the world alight.

“Under Labour, the Welsh NHS is being cut by £534million over the next three years, while local services are under threat.

“In times of austerity, we need a swift and responsive Welsh Government to take action to deal with the problems people in Wales face.

“Labour stood by and watched as our economy fell further behind the rest of the UK, failed to address a decline in educational standards and ignored the need for a Council Tax freeze to help with rising bills.

“It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that Labour Ministers are dithering and dawdling their way through this Assembly term and ignoring the plight of hard-pressed families and pensioners.”

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