Davies: Welsh Language Commissioner must be “entirely independent”

Welsh Conservatives have raised serious concerns over the independence of a Welsh Language Commissioner.

It follows a National Assembly vote on the process to make an appointment.

Under the approved regulations the First Minister will appoint a Commissioner following a selection panel’s recommendation.

Shadow Minister for Welsh Language and Culture, Suzy Davies AM, said:

“It is absolutely essential that we have an entirely independent Welsh Language Commissioner. This process will not necessarily produce one.

“It is also vitally important that the future of the Welsh language is protected from political interference. This process does not guarantee that.

“The Commissioner’s appointment should be made by the whole Assembly – not just on the say-so of the First Minister. This is not a government position. It is an independent role and must be seen that way if it’s to have any credibility.

“The committee scrutinising these draft regulations made that very point, yet the First Minister has simply ignored it.

“Welsh Conservatives do not believe that the presence of a selection panel with only one Assembly Member is sufficient to ensure the independence of the candidate. Furthermore, while that panel may recommend a candidate, the First Minister is under no obligation to accept it.

“Welsh Conservatives fully support an independent Welsh language commissioner – appointed by all Assembly Members – not just one.”


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