Davies & Williams: Wales Must Stand United Over CAP Reform

Speaking ahead of the Assembly Debate on CAP reform, Welsh Conservative Assembly Members Andrew RT Davies (pictured) and Brynle Williams called for Wales to stand united with the United Kingdom to secure the best deal for Welsh farmers.

Mr Davies, Assembly Member for South Wales Central, said:

“It is vital that Wales stands united with the UK Government during the CAP reform negotiations.

“The Minister needs to engage constructively with her UK counterparts in Defra to get the best outcome for Welsh farmers.

“Welsh Conservatives are dedicated to achieving fairness in the marketplace and real returns for producers.

“This is why we support the UK Government’s plans to introduce an adjudicator to investigate abuses of retailer power and enforce the code of practice.

“Thanks to Conservative efforts to keep Britain out of the Euro, Welsh farmers have also benefitted by tens of millions of pounds in each of the last two years, thanks to revaluation.”

Mr Williams, Shadow Minister for Rural Affairs added:

“Welsh Conservatives recognise that failures in the market make direct payments the best way of supporting Welsh farmers and meeting the need for food security.

“Along with the UK Government, we fully support the continuation of direct payments until 2020, and beyond if market problems are not resolved.

“Thanks to the UK Government’s approach our interests will be fully represented at the European negotiating table for the first time in decades.

“The Welsh Assembly Government must act responsibly and in partnership with the UK Government to secure the best deal for Wales.”


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