Day of action in Cardiff nets over 50 people

Police in Cardiff arrested over 50 people yesterday (Wednesday, December 22) in a city-wide day of action.

The majority of those arrested were for drugs, violence and burglary offences.

Temporary Detective Chief Inspector Ceri Hughes, who led Operation 4411, said: “It might just a couple of days until Christmas Day but it is very much business as usual for us at South Wales and officers have been out arresting people who are wanted for offences such as burglary and car crime.

“We know that offences such as burglary, car crime and assault can increase at this time of year as a result of financial pressures, extra temptation with valuables in homes, and the influence of alcohol.

“Our aim is to not only detect these offences but also get offenders off the streets to ensure everyone has a safe happy and crime-free Christmas and New Year.”

Significant arrests and seizures included:

  • Cash seizures totalling £2500
  • 5 arrests for burglary and robbery
  • Numerous arrests for persons wanted on warrant

T/DCI Hughes, who is head of Cardiff’s Criminal Investigation Department, added: “These operations take place once a month and it gives us an opportunity to dedicate resources to premises where we have information criminality has taken place.

“Last year we saw more than 4400 fewer victims of crime in Cardiff so the city is getting safer but we can’t get complacent.

“We will keep targeting those we are committing crime that affect our communities.

“I hope this will reassure the community that officers are out on the streets over the festive period being proactive and arresting criminals in order to keep Cardiff safe.”

Warrants were carried out all over Cardiff from 7am until 5pm.

There were in excess of 60 arrests during Operation 4411 in November – with the operation name standing for the number of fewer victims of crime in the city compared with last year.

Operation Holly – part of the force-wide Operation Blitzen – is on-going in Cardiff with extra resources, including back office staff, on the beat to maximise police presence.


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