Day of Action to Beat Dog Fouling

Monmouthshire County Council has joined other Welsh local authorities in declaring  Thursday 19th July a ‘ day of action ‘ against dog fouling. The day , which is coordinated by Keep Wales Tidy, is intended to raise awareness regarding the on-going problem of dog fouling caused by the minority of people who still fail to clean up after their pets. People who don’t clean up after their pets risk a fine.

Monmouthshire Council and Gwent Police will work together on this day of action and are looking to highlight the issues surrounding not only dog fouling but also the closely related problem of littering . Environmental Health staff and Police Community Support Officers will be coordinating a number of patrols to ‘ hot spot ‘ areas where fouling and littering are a particular problem .

Dave Jones, Monmouthshire County Council’s Head of Public Health & Culture  said:

“Our officers and the police do a lot of work throughout the year to combat this anti-social and potentially dangerous behaviour. But on this day we will be looking to increase the profile of our work and encourage the minority of irresponsible dog owners to change their habits . As well as engaging with dog walkers, putting up notices and handing out dog fouling bags we will give a fixed penalty fine of £75 to any person seen committing an offence. I hope that the day of action will encourage people to take responsibility for their actions.‘

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