Demolition starts of Rhyl eyesore

Work has begun in West Rhyl this week to demolish the derelict store on the corner of Abbey Street and Aquarium Street.

Contractors DAWNUS have been brought in by Denbighshire County Council, funded by the Welsh Assembly Government, to take down the building and in its place provide some green space in the area for local people to enjoy.

Members of the local community have had their say in what happens to the site.  The Community Group, ‘West Rhyl 1st’ conducted a survey of those living in the immediate area, with 98% of people wanting green space rather than a car park.

The land will be maintained as part of a joint partnership project with Rhyl Adventure Playground and Young People undertaking Future Jobs Fund Training.

Councillor David Thomas, Lead Member for Regeneration, Tourism and Housing said: “Regeneration is one of Denbighshire’s top four priorities and the demolition of this eyesore, which will then be replaced with a green space for residents to enjoy, forms part of a much wider and far reaching plan to regenerate this area for the benefit of all.”

Denbighshire County Council is working closely with Welsh Assembly Government and other partners, to improve the quality of life in the West Rhyl area for residents, and is grateful to RAPA and A4e for supporting this initiative.

Chris Ruane MP for Vale of Clwyd, said:

“Many people have approached me asking what is going on in Rhyl and now I hope that the start of the demolition off this much maligned grot spot shows that there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes.”

“Dedicated Denbighshire officers are working tirelessly to help bring about the regeneration of the town and this will be the start of something new with the buildings which have blighted Rhyl for far too long.

“Too many of the national media have come down and used this building and others to give a negative impression of Rhyl which still has so much to offer and I am pleased to see this work commence.”

Ann Jones AM for Vale of Clwyd, added: “This building has consistently been used to bash Rhyl and show it in a negative light.

“So I am pleased to see that work is finally taking place and a grassed area – probably the only one in the whole of West Rhyl provided for the residents.

“Residents and visitors to Rhyl can look forward to a lot of work being carried out on the grot spots in the town over the coming months and I am very pleased that action is taking place.”

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