Demonstration in Cardiff: Statement from Police and Crime Commissioner

South Wales PoliceToday’s march in Cardiff is an opportunity to stress the positive approach of Cardiff and Wales in Europe, Alun Michael, the Police & Crime Commissioner for South Wales, said today.

“This is not just a demonstration against racism, which is a growing threat in many parts of Europe, but a celebration of the positive tradition of politics in Wales,”

Mr Michael said:

“In Cardiff, our capital city, we see the positive contribution made by people from across the and the pride that people take in being Welsh and Somali, or Welsh and Italian or Welsh and Pakistani or Welsh and Irish. Long may that attitude thrive.

“It’s also an opportunity to celebrate the positive attitude and the rejection of racism that is an important part of our national character in Wales.   Welsh politicians and trades unionists have played a positive role over the years – not least in the fight against Apartheid – and it’s important that we continue to combat racism and extremism.  At a time when there seems to be a rise in negative attitudes such as Islamaphobia and the scapegoating of immigrants, we need to assert our pride in being a truly international city where people with roots across the world can live and work together.”


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