Denbigh’s heritage goes back to the future

An exhibition about historic Denbigh’s past, present and future will take place from 14 – 17 May 2011 at Denbigh Market Hall.

“Denbigh Past, Present & Future” which is being co-ordinated by Denbigh & District Civic Society, will showcase displays including some by Cadw, the Royal Commission, The Prince’s Trust, North Wales Hospital Historical Society, R.M.Owen, Denbigh Archives, Denbigh Twinning Association, Wireless in Wales Museum, Cai Dai Trust and Theatr Twm o’r Nant.

Guided tours will be available on each day by volunteer tour guides who were accredited by Denbigh Town Council following a Heritage Lottery funded training programme in 2009/10.

Denbighshire County Council’s Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) is taking part in the event, to illustrate how the project has restored historic buildings from Denbigh’s past so they can be used to develop the town’s future. An exhibition of projects will show the poor condition of some historic building before restoration and how the work has improved the look of the town. Some important discoveries have been made during the course of the scheme showing that much of Denbigh’s past has survived in its buildings.

Helen Calder of the THI team said: “The exhibition is an excellent opportunity for us to showcase the work of the THI and how much the building owners have invested in Denbigh. We would like to remind local people what a handsome and important town Denbigh is”.

Maureen Sanders, secretary of the Denbigh and District Civic Society said: “Denbigh is looking good after the work done to refurbish the town. The railing scheme, the restoration of Dr. Pierces Garden together with the restoration of key buildings such as Bryn y Parc, the former police station, Clwydian House, 2 Crown Square and Bronyffynnon, has contributed to making Denbigh one of the best towns in North Wales. We understand that Cadw will begin work on a new visitor centre at the Castle soon and look forward to that”.

The Mayor of Denbigh, Councillor Graham Maudsley said: ” There are many local people and organisations working hard to preserve Denbigh’s rich and historic past and this exhibition gives people the chance to come and see the excellent work that is ongoing in the Town.”

The exhibition will be open from 10am – 4pm for three days from 14 – 17 May. Admission is free.Further details available from Maureen Sanders, Denbigh & District Civic Society on 01745 813852


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