Denbighshire’s proposed Local Development Plan reaches the next stage

Throughout January and February, Planning Inspector, Mr Anthony Thickett BA(Hons) BTP MRTPI, has been appointed to conduct an Examination in Public to determine whether the proposals put forward in Denbighshire’s draft Local Development Plan are sound.

His role will be to consider all the evidence and produce a report for the Council giving his recommendations for action. His report will be binding on the Council. The Inspector will be assisted by Gwynedd Thomas BA(Hons) DMS MRTPI, of the Planning Inspectorate Wales.
The hearings start on 10 January, beginning at Rhyl Town Hall, and will continue throughout the month and into the beginning of February. A full list of the hearings, times and locations is available on the LDP pages on the Denbighshire website.

Those who wish to speak on a particular aspect of the plan have been invited to speak at the relevant hearing and although the public are welcome to attend, unless they have been advised otherwise, they will not be permitted to speak.

Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, Councillor Sharon Frobisher, explained: “We are now approaching the latter stages of the process for adopting the draft Local Development Plan.

“It has been years in the making and will form the planning blueprint for the county up until 2021 once adopted.

It is now up to the planning inspector to review the whole document through the Examination in Public process before he gives his final report as to whether changes need to be made to certain aspects of the plan or whether the plan is able to be adopted as it stands.”

The timetable for the hearing sessions, and further information, is available at or from Elaine Rizzi, Programme Officer [email protected] / 01824 706991.

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