Denbighshire A level results

Early indications show that the A Level pass rate at Denbighshire’s eight secondary schools in 2010 is 97.7% (A-E grades), down 0.1% on the 2009 figures.

The Welsh average figure for A-E grades is 97.1% and UK average is 97.6%.
The proportion of A grades (including the new A* grade) gained by Denbighshire pupils is 19.8%, down 2.6% on 2009.

The county’s school results are:
Grades A-E    Grade A* & A
2010         97.7%        19.8%
2009         97.8%        22.4%
2008         96.9%         20.2%
2007         96.2%         19.4%
2006         96.7%         23.04%

176 candidates were awarded the Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification’s Advanced Diploma. This represented 95.7% of those who participated in the programme.

Councillor Eryl Williams, Cabinet Lead Member for Education, said: “I would like to congratulate the students who have achieved the results they need and I wish them every success in their future education and careers.


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