Denbighshire Cabinet membership update

The Leader of Denbighshire, Councillor Hugh Evans has confirmed that he will not be filling a vacant seat on the council’s Cabinet, and for the time being will have a Cabinet membership of eight rather than nine.

This decision has been taken following discussions with the leaders of all political groups on the council but will be kept under review.

Councillor Evans, said: “It is important that councillors show a commitment to working in a more effective manner and look for savings where possible.

This decision has not been taken lightly and has taken into consideration the present economic climate, the efficiency agenda, comments made at staff roadshows and through the Big Debate public  consultation.

“I will be taking on the role of Lead Member for Customers and Communities and wish to develop a stronger working relationship with the third sector, and I am keen to strengthen customer service  and exploring the opportunities that collaboration can bring.  This is in line with our  aim of ‘Bringing the Council closer to the Community’ by putting residents at the heart of what we do.”


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