Denbighshire celebrates Wales Biodiversity Week 2011

From 4 to 12 June it will be Wales Biodiversity Week, an annual week of wildlife-themed events across Wales and Denbighshire Countryside Service will be holding free events for adults and children alike to experience our beautiful countryside and learn about the wildlife that lives here.

The week starts with a morning Bird Recording Walk at Clawddnewydd near Ruthin on Saturday 4 June (9am – 1pm). Led by local experts, this is a chance to learn about birds and to increase our knowledge of the species that live and breed here. The walk is suitable for adults and children over 12. If you would like to join in, please book in advance on 01824 708263.

On Wednesday 8 June from 6pm there will be a Balsam Bash and Buffet to launch another season of Himalayan balsam control on the River Alyn in Denbighshire and Flintshire. Volunteers are needed to help pull up this invasive non-native plant from the river bank in Mold and will be rewarded for their hard work with a buffet. If you would like to help, please book on 01352 703263.

The final event of Wales Biodiversity Week in Denbighshire is a Family Fun event at Loggerheads Country Park – Bug Homes, Bird Boxes and Toad Abodes. Drop in anytime between 11am and 3pm on Sunday 12 June and children can make homes for wildlife, which they can take home to give wildlife a helping hand.

Lizzy Webster, Biodiversity Officer for Denbighshire said: “Our wildlife in North Wales is really special. Wales Biodiversity Week is a great opportunity to celebrate our amazing species and habitats and to enjoy nature on our doorstep”.

To find out more about any of these events, call Lizzy on 01824 708263 or visit to see the full list of events for Wales.


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