Denbighshire comes out on top in performance results

Denbighshire is one of the highest performing authorities in Wales – and that’s official.

The Local Government Data Unit – Wales compares authorities’ performance on various aspects of council services, with Denbighshire performing in the top quarter for 49% of the indicators it was assessed against.

Of all Welsh authorities, Denbighshire had the highest number of performances in the top quarter and the lowest in the bottom quarter.  The Council also performed better than the Welsh average in a number of the indicators it was assessed against.

The statistics issued by the Local Government Data Unit Wales showed:

  • Denbighshire cleared 100% of fly-tipping within five working days
  • The Council had the highest percentage for the amount of municipal waste composted or treated biologically.
  • The percentage of households prevented from homelessness for at least six months was 99% in Denbighshire.
  • Denbighshire took the least amount of days of all authorities across Wales to repair a street lamp failure (0.8 days)

Leader of Denbighshire, Councillor Hugh Evans, said:  “We are delighted that the effort being put in to improving services in Denbighshire is paying dividends.

“Over the past few years we have come a long way in terms of performance and to be one of the best performing authorities in Wales sends out a strong message that we are listening to our communities and focusing our efforts on delivering good quality, value for money services that residents want and need.

“Of course, these figures do also reflect areas of work where performance needs to improve and the commitment and the focus of recent years has set good foundations for dealing with the challenges of the future.


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