Denbighshire Council issues spam e-mail warning

Denbighshire County Council’s Trading Standards team is warning residents to be aware of spam e-mails purporting to be from HM Revenues and Customs.

Members of the public are warned to be aware of e-mails appearing to come from HMRC and urging the recipient to claim their tax refund.

Councillor Sharon Frobisher, Cabinet Lead Member for Environment and Sustainable Development said “We are all watching our spending at this time of year so a chance to get any extra income may be seen as an opportunity to make things easier for us and our families.

“I want to remind residents that HMRC will never send notifications of a tax rebate by email, or ask you to disclose personal or payment information by email.  You should never disclose your personal and/or payment information in reply to an email that may look like it’s from HMRC, you may well be revealing your details to a fraudulent website”

Anybody receiving an email they suspect to be fraudulent and appearing to be from the HMRC should forward it HMRC direct: [email protected].

A Trading Standards spokesperson said “E- mails from government domains will never end in “”, like this spam email does.  Be very suspicious if somebody contacts you offering money.


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