Denbighshire launches Welsh medium schools survey

A survey is being launched by Denbighshire County Council to measure future demand for Welsh medium primary school education within Denbighshire.

The questionnaire is to be sent to parents of children born between 1 September 2008 and 31 August 2010. The findings from the survey, due to start on the 16 May will help the Council plan school place provision for the future.

Alun Jones, Chair of the Welsh in Education Strategic Group for Denbighshire emphasises the importance of understanding the demand for welsh medium / bilingual education so all schools together with the Council can help plan better to meet the wishes of parents.

“The findings of the survey will assist the Council to plan its future work with all schools to promote bilingualism. There is a growing expectation from parents for their children to have access to welsh/bilingual provision and the Council will use these findings to assist in planning the supply of school places across the County.”

The Welsh Language Board is in full support of the survey and sees it as an important development which offers parents an opportunity to express a preference and which will enable the Council to plan strategically for the future. The Board hopes that as many parents as possible will respond to the questionnaire.

Completed questionnaires should be returned to ORS, the company running the survey, in the free post envelope by 15th July.


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