Denbighshire’s Cabinet members have approved an action plan and a raft of measures to stamp out dog fouling in the county.
At the Cabinet meeting, members gave their support for an anti fouling strategy which will involve three work strands; communication and marketing, suitable collection arrangements and enforcement, and will look to engage and educate residents in the first instance as well as ensuring there are adequate litter bins in public realm and robust enforcement.
In presenting the report to members, Cabinet Lead Member for Public Realm, Councillor David Smith, said: “Time and time again, residents have raised the issue of dog fouling. It is one of the issues they would most like to see tackled. We appreciate that there are many responsible dog owners who do pick up after their pets but there is still a significant minority that do not.
“In taking this strategy forward, we will be contributing to our Corporate Priority for ensuring ‘clean and tidy streets’. We will be improving the environment, improving the quality of life for residents and our visitors as well as reducing the threat to health, particularly for our children.”
Cabinet members voted unanimously in favour of the strategy and added a recommendation that further studies will be carried out into the benefits, or otherwise, of dog control orders.