Denbighshire’s Reading Mentoring Initiative Marks its Third Year

Reading Mentoring Initiative 07042014Denbighshire’s Reading Mentoring Initiative recently marked its third successful year with a celebratory event at St Asaph Library on Monday 7 April 2014. 

The initiative promotes reading for pleasure and enjoyment, increases levels of confidence and motivation in reading, fosters positive attitudes towards reading and improves levels of attainment in reading.

Officers from Denbighshire County Council have made regular weekly visits to local Primary schools to read alongside pupils in the classroom and share positive learning experiences.

The celebratory event took place on Monday 7 April 2014, at St Asaph Library and involved a presentation of certificates by Councillor Raymond Bartley, Chairman of the Council.

Children’s author, Linda Newbery, also joined in with the celebrations and presented the children with signed copies of her book.  Jeremy Strong, children’s author, whose story ‘There’s A Viking In My Bed’was made into a BBC children’s TV series, sent a special message of congratulations.  There was also a special screening of the Reading Mentoring Initiative 2014 film which was devised, filmed and edited by Education Services officers.

Denbighshire’s Head of Education, Karen Evans said: ‘Pupils and officers have once again shown their dedication and commitment to this initiative and have reaped the benefits. It has been a pleasure celebrating the initiative’s success and to see the hard work of the pupils and mentors fully recognised’.

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