Derek Brockway challenges you to try something new at your library

TV weatherman Derek Brockway joined the Heritage Minister Alun Ffred Jones at Monmouth library to launch ‘Fancy that’ – the Welsh libraries festival.

‘Fancy that’ encourages all generations of the family to try something new at the library. From now until the end of January there are lots of events for all the family happening in libraries across Wales. Take time out with yoga and pamper sessions; learn about your family history or take your first steps to using a computer. Alternatively, come and have a bit of fun and try out a new arts & craft activity.

Derek commented: “I’ve been set a challenge to try something new at different libraries across Wales. Today I’ve been shown how to make a traditional Welsh lovespoon using Sycamore wood by bushcraft expert Andrew Price. It’s been great fun and at the same time I’ve picked up a new skill. During my travels I will be learning to knit and trying out a bit of rap with renowned Welsh rapper Ed Holden – I can’t wait! It just goes to show that libraries offer much more than books and cater for all types of hobbies and interests.”

Guests were privileged to see a sneak preview of a series of short animated films demonstrating how libraries are relevant to all generations of the family. The films show the ‘Bibli’ family visiting their library to access free books, free internet access, learn about family history, take part in a rhyme & time session and to simply meet up with friends. The films and a new web site will be launched during the festival – look out for them online.

Heritage Minister Alun Ffred Jones said: “Libraries are at the heart of the communities they serve, offering something for everyone. The festival is a great opportunity for the whole family to try something new and to bring libraries to the forefront of people’s minds.

The New Year is a great time to learn a new skill or to take some time out from our busy lives so the festival has come at an ideal time. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this national celebration.

Together with our programme of refurbishing and modernising libraries across Wales, projects like this are meeting our One Wales commitment to promote the public library network. And recently published figures show library usage is on the up in Wales.”

The festival was launched at the recently refurbished Monmouth Library which was re-opened by Princess Anne in September. During the launch guests had the opportunity to visit the new children’s library, the teenage area, local studies area and new community room. Guests saw customers using the People’s Network computers to access all types of information including the BBC ‘First Click’ campaign and family history searches.

A group of pupils from Monmouth Comprehensive School were shown how to make string (Cordage) using natural materials and they each made Friendship bracelets with Andrew Price and fans of Derek Brockway were treated to a question and answer session.

For details on all the events happening in your area call into your local library or visit


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