Did libraries give you power? Give ’em something back and win £500

Libraries are great – this is official and has nothing to do with Welsh Icons’ Assistant Editor being a qualified librarian (the best shushing in town let me tell you) and the contract we’ve signed with Manic Street Preachers to reference Design for Life every time we mention these fantastic places filled with books, computers and all sorts of information for free.

No, libraries are just great. They’re important particularly in times of recession and the Welsh have a great history of self-help and self-education which we think we should celebrate and encourage whenever we can – even if the chapels and industrial community work that was behind much of it have lost much of their power in the land.

You can cash in on your love of libraries (which gave us power), by entering the Welsh Libraries Arts Competition. This one’s for musicians, writers, visual artists, film-makers, dancers and animators, with school and regional competitions too. It’s also completely bi-lingual so you can enter in Welsh as well.

Go into your library to find a leaflet with entry form or visit the Welsh libraries website for a downloadable version – you can enter electronically, so you don’t even need to leave the house to be in with a chance of a £50 county prize and the £500 national prize.


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