Dig out your “Sunday best” for vintage clothes sale

From tea dresses and twin-sets to pantaloons and pearls – parishioners are being asked to dig out their Sunday Best from years gone by for a grand Vintage Clothes Sale next month.

They’re being asked to raid their attics and rummage through their wardrobes for clothes, hats, jewellery and other accessories from past decades for the event at Llandaff Cathedral. All the money raised will go towards the Cathedral’s £1.5m appeal for its new organ.

Organiser, Alex Clifton-Thompson, who is offering to venture up attics to help people find their old clothes as well as collect them, said, “We’re sure there are a lot of period gems and once treasured Sunday Best outfits that people have simply forgotten about over the years as fashions changed or their tastes did. We’re asking people to dig them out from their attics, ottomans or wardrobes for this good cause so that they can get a new lease of life in a different generation. We’ve already got a supply of top hats and tails but would particularly like dresses and jewellery from the 1950s and all contributions would be gratefully received.”

The Vintage Clothes Sales takes place on March 5, between 1-4pm at Llandaff Cathedral. To donate, please contact Alex Clifton-Thompson on 07885 207577.


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