Have you got an interesting story in your family history? Would you like to know more about your ancestors? Are you keen to learn more about tracing your family tree?
In a special event at the National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth there will be a chance for you to share your stories which could feature on a brand new S4C series called Perthyn.
Between 12:00 and 17:00 on Saturday 30 October, the Perthyn team and National Library staff will hold a special event where you can share your stories, and learn more about how to research your family history.
The series Perthyn goes on the trail of interesting family history, concentrating on one family in each programme. There will also be tips and advice on how to go about tracing your family’s past. Who knows, perhaps your ancestors will feature on S4C.
Here in Wales, we’re obsessed with our roots, and we’re famous for asking ‘where are you from?’ or ‘who are you related to?’. National Library of Wales in Aberystwyth is acknowledged as the principal centre for researching Welsh genealogy and tens of thousands of people visit the Library annually to discover more about their roots.
The event is free of charge, and it will be filmed for the series. Bring along any photographs, documents, family trees or any other resources. The staff at the Library will be thrilled to see them.
Among the guest speakers at the event will be the President of the National Library, Dafydd Wigley.
For more information and to order tickets for the event contact Luned or Caryl at Rondo Media on perthyn@rondomedia.co.uk or 02920 223456.