Digging up the past

Moel y Gaer Hillfort on the Llantysilio Mountains is one of the smallest Iron Age hillforts in the area and during September work will begin by archaeologists to try to understand this little known site.

The excavation is part of the Heather and Hillforts Project and it is taking place to record archaeological information after a geophysical survey revealed new information last summer.

Visitors will get the chance to see the excavation and meet archaeologists from the Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust who are carrying out the work. There will be guided walks to the site on the 24th and 28th September and will give information about life on the hillside 2500 years ago as well as an opportunity to meet the archaeologists.

Walks will begin at the Ponderosa Car Park at the Horseshoe Pass and will be led by the Hillfort Conservation Officer Samantha Williams.

Samantha said: “These guided walks will give visitors the chance to learn more about the history of the hillfort, see an excavation taking place and meet the archaeologists carrying out the work.”

The guided walks will last approximately three hours. They will begin at 10:30am and it must be noted that the walk to the hillfort is strenuous at times. The excavation work is weather dependent.

The three year Heather and Hillforts Landscape Partnership Scheme is developing a £2.3 million initiative for upland conservation work and has received a grant of £1.5 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund.


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