Distraction ‘career’ burglar jailed for 6 years

A change of image was not enough to prevent Kevin Leigh being arrested for carrying out distraction burglaries in Pontypridd.

The 46-year-old from Treharris, Merthyr Tydfil, might have grown his hair but detectives were soon on his trail and within three days of carrying out burglaries in Cilfynyndd and Taffs Well he was in custody.

He has now been jailed for 6 years.

Detective Sergeant Hannah Andrews, from Taff CID, who led the investigation, said: “We had CCTV of the suspect who had what can be best described as straggly hair. We received information that Kevin Leigh might be involved however images we had of him showed him with a shaved head.

“My colleague Dc Amanda Rees and I attended his home address in Treharris and sure enough when he answered the door his hair was exactly how witnesses had described.

“Following a search of the property and his car, we found a fluorescent jacket and two planks of wood – both items again matched the descriptions we had of the suspect.

“Being able to visit the victims to inform them of the arrest was extremely satisfying and also vitally important as it gave them some peace of mind after such an upsetting experience.”

Kevin John Leigh admitted five counts of burglary and asked for two further ones to be taken into consideration when he appeared at Merthyr Tydfil Crown Court.

Leigh, of Mandeg, Treharris, burgled two homes on May 6, two on May 14, all in Pontypridd, and another in Brecon on May 15.

Detective Inspector Tony Butt, head of Taff CID, added: “Kevin Leigh is a career criminal who has made a living from preying on elderly or vulnerable members of our community.

“Distraction burglary is a cruel heartless crime which, as this investigation highlights, South Wales Police treats as a priority. I hope the decision of the court and prison sentence give the victims in this case further reassurance.

“I would like take this opportunity to remind homeowners to exercise extreme caution when answering the door to strangers and if you do not recognise them, don’t open your door to them. Genuine callers will not mind making a telephone call to arrange an appointment.”


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