Dog Fouling Flagged up in Llanbradach

IMG_6522Irresponsible dog owners who fail to clear up after their pooch have been targeted in a ‘flagging up’ operation.

The issue of dog fouling was highlighted to residents of Llanbradach last week when Environmental Health officers from Caerphilly County Borough Council, in partnership with Gwent Police, took part in a ‘flagging’ event in the grounds of Llanbradach Library.  Over 20 flags were placed across a 10 metre stretch of land, showing the places where irresponsible dog owners have failed to clean up after their pets.

Officers were also on hand to speak to dog walkers about the importance of cleaning up after their pet and the dangers dog faeces present to people and the environment, especially in areas where young children are likely to be playing.  There was a clear message, ‘Pick Up or Pay Up!’.

Enforcement officers have the power to issue on the spot £75 fixed penalty notices to people who fail to clean up after their dog. Non-payment of this notice will result in a court prosecution where magistrates can fine up to £1,000.

Last year nearly 50 people in the county borough were hit in the pocket with fixed penalty notices for allowing their dog to foul in a public place and not cleaning up the mess.

Cllr David Poole, Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Community & Leisure Services, said: “Dog fouling is an issue that is consistently flagged up by our residents, and enforcement action against the minority who still feel it is acceptable not to pick up after their dog will remain a high priority for this council.

“This ‘flagging up’ exercise in Llanbradach is designed to embarrass irresponsible owners into taking their environmental responsibilities seriously – the message is clear – ‘Pick Up or Pay Up!’”

For more information, or to report a case of dog fouling, call Caerphilly StreetPride on 01443 866566 or visit

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