Dog mess clampdown – focuses on Caernarfon

Gwynedd Council has increased the frequency of street enforcement patrols in parts of Caernarfon, following concerns about a small number of irresponsible dog owners who fail to clean up after their pets.

The campaign is targeting a persistent minority of dog owners who knowingly break the law by allowing their dogs to foul public places. Although the action covers the whole of Caernarfon, the initiative will focus more intensively on areas, such as Victoria Dock, Love Lane, Twthill and the “Feed My Lambs” area where the public have indicated some dog owners fail to clean-up after their pets.

It is a criminal offence not to clear up after a dog under your control has fouled in any public area. Offenders are liable to receive a £75 fixed penalty from Gwynedd Council’s Street Enforcement Wardens, Maritime and Country Parks Staff or Police Community Support Officers. Failure to pay the fine could lead to a court summons and a fine of up to £1,000.

Councillor Gareth Roberts, Gwynedd Council’s Senior Environment Portfolio Leader, said: “Dog mess on pavements and in public places causes more concern than any other type of environmental crime. Coming into contact with dog mess can cause serious illness and young children are particularly vulnerable to this, and I’m surprised that some owners act in such an anti-social and irresponsible manner.

“To counter this problem our Street Enforcement Wardens are targeting known problem areas at times of the day when we suspect those responsible are walking their dogs. We will be taking a zero tolerance approach to the problem.”

Councillor Roy Owen, who represents Caernarfon’s Seiont ward on Gwynedd Council, added: “Gwynedd Council has been very successful in working in partnership with the community to reduce dog fouling problems by handing out thousands of free Tidy Towns sponsored poop-scoop bags, in addition to providing bins and warning signs.”

Councillor Endaf Cooke, who represents Caernarfon’s Seiont ward on Gwynedd Council, said “I am very pleased to hear that the majority of careful dog owners are now using poop bags as a matter of routine and I do hope that all dog owners will soon follow their example.”

During 2010-11, Gwynedd Council’s Street Enforcement Team issued 185 fixed penalty notices for dog fouling and litter offences.

What can you do?
If you’re a dog owner make sure you always carry plenty of poop-scoop bags with you when you walk your dog. Wrapped dog mess can be put in a public bin or take it home and dispose of it responsibly.

To request a free dog-poop bag dispenser, contact Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns Officer on 01766 771000 or e-mail [email protected]

Name and Shame
The public can also help by reporting those responsible by contacting Gwynedd Council’s Street Enforcement Team confidentially on 01766 771000, or by visiting

Gwynedd’s Tidy Towns Initiative is sponsored by the Welsh Government.

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