Dolls Houses Find a New Home

Mrs Denman with Ysgol Pendalar pupils, Dilwyn and Jessica

Mrs Denman with Ysgol Pendalar pupils, Dilwyn and Jessica

Housing Association, Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd (CCG) tenant Mrs Denman this week moved round the corner from her current home into a refurbished flat in Tre Gof, Caernarfon. As well as moving to a new home herself, she has also found a new home for her many cherished doll’s houses as she donated them to Caernarfon special needs school, Ysgol Pendalar.

Mrs Denman, a tenant with CCG for 17 years had lived in her flat in the centre of Caernarfon since 1997 before she decided to move a couple of doors round the corner to her new flat. The improvements were carried out under CCG’s Welsh Housing Quality Standard investment programme with a new kitchen, bathroom and heating system installed.

Mrs Denman has been a keen collector of doll’s houses over the years and had a vast collection in her home. But as she was moving to, she felt it was time to de-clutter and make some room for some new doll’s houses.

Mrs Denman said:

“As I was moving to my new flat I wanted to get rid of some of the doll’s houses and felt it was time for someone else to enjoy them. I wanted to donate them to Ysgol Pendalar as I knew the children there would enjoy playing with them and that they would care for them as much as I have over the years.”

The collection donated to the school included a 3 foot high doll’s house, a 3 foot lighthouse a fully kitted out chapel and a number of play dolls.

Ysgol Pendalar teacher Wendy Evans commented:

“We are very grateful to Mrs Denman for thinking of us and donating these fantastic houses to the children. As well as being great fun to play with, they will also be invaluable learning tools for the children to learn more about what goes into a home and how lighthouses work. We would like to thank Mrs Denman for her generosity.”

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