Don’t Make It Easy For Burglars

Following a recent spate of house burglaries across the Vale of Glamorgan local police officers are once again reminding residents to lock their doors and windows.  Since the beginning of September more than 40 per cent of recorded burglaries have been to insecure homes.

Chief Inspector Jim Hall of the Vale of Glamorgan Police, said:  “Almost half of recent burglaries in the Vale of Glamorgan have been from homes where householders have left doors or windows open or unlocked.

“I cannot stress too much the importance that people to take more care of their homes and their possessions and to make sure they lock doors and windows, especially so with Christmas approaching.

“Do not leave any belongings where they can be easily seen and taken.  Many burglaries occur on the spur of the moment as a burglar may see an opportunity and take a chance, some criminals will seek out insecure properties where they can find an easy target.

“People should always keep their possessions in a secure place and a simple precaution such as remembering to secure doors and windows can save a lot of distress and annoyance in the long run.

“Burglars can strike at any time of day or night.  I cannot stress too much that if you see anyone acting suspiciously please call the police immediately.  You are not wasting our time and we will treat all calls with the importance they demand.”

Detective Inspector Huw Thomas of Barry CID added: “In recent weeks we have had to deal with a number of victims of this type of opportunist burglary.  The perpetrator will try a door to see if it has been locked and if they can get in they can take some of your possessions and be away in a few moments without you even knowing.

“A coat hanging in the hall way with a wallet or car keys in its pocket, a handbag, a computer game or laptop computer, anything that can be easily carried away have been among the items reported as stolen.

“If a home has been burgled once it is more likely to be burgled again.  After all, the burglar has been into the home and had a look around and identified any weak points in its security.  Boost your security measures in the first instance and avoid the anxiety associated with a burglary in your home.”

D I Thomas added:  “The message is a simple one, if you don’t want to become a victim of burglary – remember to lock up!”

Inspector Thomas also recommends that spare door keys should not be left in hiding places such as under the doormat or in a flowerpot.  “Thieves know all the hiding places.

“Don’t leave a window open for your cat to get in and out.  If you have ladders which have to be left outside, padlock them to something secure so you are the only person who can use them,” he said.

Police in the Vale of Glamorgan also advise householders that if they require any advice on improving the security of their home they can contact the Crime Prevention Officer at Barry Police Station, the Safer Vale Partnership or their Neighbourhood Policing Team.


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