Donating to the Haiti appeal

Over 42 million pounds has already been donated by the UK public to the Haiti appeal, with the money helping to secure aid for the survivors of the devastating earthquake.

Those wishing to donate to the Haiti appeal can now also donate via Cardiff Council.

Cash or Cheque Donations can be made in person at the following Council Cashiers offices from Monday 25th January:-

County Hall, Atlantic Wharf between 8.30a.m.-4.15p.m Monday-Friday

Marland House, Central Square between 10.00a.m-4.00p.m.Monday-Friday

Postal donations can also be made by sending a cheque to City and County Treasurer, Cardiff Council, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff CF10 4UW.

Cheques should be made payable to Cardiff Council. Please write “Haiti Appeal” on the reverse of the cheque.

Donations can of course be made direct to the Disaster Emergency Committee at

Cardiff Council’s Deputy Leader, Cllr Judith Woodman said: “The plight of the Haitian people is heartbreaking, although there is no official death toll, millions have been affected by the earthquake that hit the capital city Port-Au-Prince.

“The generosity of the UK public has been overwhelming. I hope that offering people the opportunity to donate via the Council Cashiers office will result in more money for the appeal. The money donated is providing essential aid to the people of Haiti, including food, blankets, and medical support.”


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