Dr Kay Swinburne becomes a Freeman of the City of London

Dr Kay Swinburne receiving the Freedom of the City of LondonDr Kay Swinburne, Conservative MEP for Wales, has today become a Freeman of the City of London.

Dr Swinburne collected her Freedom of the City in a ceremony that took place today at London’s Guildhall, in recognition of her work throughout this mandate as a Member of the European Parliament, particularly during her period as Co-ordinator on Economic and Monetary Affairs for the European Conservatives and Reformists Group.

The granting of the Freedom of the City of London is one of the oldest traditional ceremonies still in existence today.

Speaking after today’s ceremony Dr Swinburne said:

“It is a true honour to be here in Guildhall today to collect the Freedom of the City of London.”

“This ceremony is steeped in history, dating all the way back to the presentation of the first Freedom in 1237.”

“As someone who was born and raised in rural West Wales I never imagined that I would be granted the Freedom of the City of London. It is a privilege to be admitted to the Freedom, to become a part of its rich history and to play my part in keeping this tradition alive.”

“As well as my new right to drive sheep over London Bridge, it is nice to be recognised for my work in Brussels, carried out during my first term as MEP for Wales”.


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