Drainage works at Bedwas Colliery site

Residents in the Bedwas, Trethomas and Machen areas may have noticed a series of works currently taking place on the site of Bedwas Colliery.

Cllr Ron Davies, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Planning, and local ward member for Bedwas, Trethomas and Machen said, “Residents will be aware that the former Bedwas Colliery site is a key part of Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Local Development Plan, and we are keen to keep our residents fully informed on developments at the site”.

Drainage works are currently taking place on site, because over a period of time, erosion on the steep hilltop slopes has taken place as a result of surface water run-off.

Cllr Davies continued, “This series of interim works began at the site on 4th January of this year, and the duration of the works is approximately six weeks. During this period, our Engineering team will be working alongside the contractors, and will help ensure the works being undertaken at the site are to the highest standard”.

“It should be noted however, that these works are unfortunately only going to bring a temporary respite. The need for this continual programme of works just underlines how important it is that this costly, unsightly and dangerous legacy is finally and properly dealt with”.

Works taking place at the site include:

  • Repairing existing drainage channels
  • Installing a concrete base to the drainage channels in certain areas to reduce erosion
  • Removal of silt accumulation at the existing perimeter drainage channel and at the quarry pond

This scheme of works is being funded by a Welsh Assembly Government Land Reclamation Grant.

For further information, please contact Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Highways Customer Care team on 01443 866 511.

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