Drink-drive message hits home for Swansea schoolchildren

School children in Swansea have made a hard-hitting film on the dangers of drink driving.

The three-minute film was produced by pupils at Pentrehafod Comprehensive School. Members of the school’s drama group also starred in the film.

It features a group of youths drinking before one of them drives off in a vehicle and becomes involved in a collision with a young girl.

The film has won plaudits from road safety officers and the school will be presented with a cheque for £500 after the film won a Swansea-wide road safety/drink drive competition.

The film has also been highly commended in the South Wales Regional Drink Drive Competition.

It will now be shown to pupils at Pentrehafod during a special assembly to highlight the risks of drink driving and could be shown across schools in Swansea.

Jill Ahern, who helped the drama group at Pentrehafod produce the film, said: “I’m really thrilled with the end result. The group felt this subject was an important message to get across to young people.

“Pupils in Pentrehafod will get to see the film in a special assembly. Hopefully, we can then distribute the film to other schools in Swansea and get the message through to young people that drinking and driving can have very severe consequences.”

The young film-makers have also been invited by the Welsh Assembly Government to the launch of the national Drink Drive campaign.

Amanda Howarth, Swansea Council’s Road Safety Officer said: “The school has done a fantastic job in getting the message over to young people about the perils of drink driving.”


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