Drug dealer loses home

A Milford Haven drugs dealer currently in prison, lost the tenancy of his Council home this week.

Graham Davies of 135 Haven Drive, Hakin, is serving a three and a half year prison sentence after being convicted of serious drug offences last year.

At a recent Haverfordwest County Court hearing, Pembrokeshire County Council – working in co-operation with Dyfed-Powys Police – applied for and was successful in obtaining a possession order in respect of the three bed-roomed house.

The action was taken because carrying out any criminal activity from a Council property is a breach of the conditions of the tenancy.

Said County Councillor, David Simpson, Cabinet Member for Housing and Sustainability: “I welcome this action. Officers put a lot of effort into dealing with the anti-social behaviour of a minority of our tenants which can sometimes take a long time to resolve.

“I think this gives a very clear message to tenants who may partake in this type of activity – be warned, you are likely to lose your home.”

Chief Inspector Steve Matchett said: “This is just one example of the council and police working together to tackle anti-social behaviour and crime.

“We work hard to ensure that crime does not pay and as well as losing his tenancy, the police and other agencies have also recovered thousands of pounds which we believe was the profit of his crimes.

Pembrokeshire is a low crime area and criminals should be warned if they commit crime in the county we will work with our partners and communities to make them unwelcome.”


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