Dyfed Powys Police appoint new Top Special

Dyfed Powys Police have appointed a retired civil engineer from Milford Haven as their new Chief Officer in charge of the Volunteer Special Constabulary operating within the force.

Gary Hicks, aged 61, takes up his new role in February, and is the first in a series of appointments in a newly formed rank structure designed to further professionalise the Special Constabulary within the Force.

Special Chief Officer Gary Hicks is looking forward to supporting the force during the difficult times ahead. He said, “I am obviously delighted to be given the opportunity to play a key part in the development of the new structure for the Special Constabulary within Dyfed-Powys, I’ve served as a Special for thirty years, and I know that simply providing an additional police presence and an extra pair of hands can really help”, “There are many challenges ahead for the police service and the Special Constabulary has an important role in providing additional resources to support the regular police officers.”

The past months have seen a lot of work being undertaken to introduce a rank structure, based on the national framework, into the Special Constabulary to effectively manage over 170 specials that currently operate across the force area.

Superintendent Simon Powell who is the force lead for the Special Constabulary said. “It is almost universally acknowledged that volunteers are best managed by volunteers, and the rank structure which has been introduced provides visible recognition of the valuable service our Special Constables provide. I am delighted with Gary’s appointment and look forward to him leading our Special Constabulary.”

DCC Jackie Roberts said, ”Our volunteer Special Constables are an important part of our Force and they do a an excellent job supporting our regular officers and staff. The implementation of this rank structure will provide enhanced levels of leadership and management within the Special Constabulary and provide additional support to the very real contribution they provide to the force and communities they serve.”


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