Ebbw Vale policing team offer seasonal crime prevention advice

Ebbw Vale Neighbourhood Policing Team is giving supermarket shoppers useful advice on how to keep their homes secure this Christmas.

Officers spoke to residents about how to keep themselves safe and updated them on local policing issues at the town’s Morrisons supermarket this week.

And they will be at Tesco, Ebbw Vale, on Wednesday 8th December to offer crime prevention advice to more shoppers.

Sergeant Matt Briggs, of Ebbw Vale Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “These are great opportunities to get to know more members of our community and pass on crime prevention advice in the run-up to Christmas.

With Christmas presents and other possessions in homes at this time of year it is important that residents take appropriate precautions.

Visiting busy areas like supermarkets is one of the methods we use to engage with local people and reassure them that we are listening to their views on policing and tackling issues that matter to them.”

Gwent Police is offering some simple steps to help make your property more secure during the festive period:

  • Remember to close and secure all doors and windows at night and when you go out
  • Keep your front and back doors locked, even when you are at home during the day
  • If you have locked your door, take the keys out of the lock and put them somewhere safe and out of reach from doors or windows
  • Don’t leave Christmas presents or expensive property in sight close to a window
  • Keep your car keys safe and out of sight
  • Close all curtains when you have the lights on at night
  • Shut and lock garden gates

Please visit www.gwent.police.uk and enter your postcode to find out what Gwent Police is doing in your area, and how you can help to set local policing priorities.


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