Eight tonne of metal seized by police in RCT

Eight tonnes of scrap metal including crushed beer kegs, a large amount of electrical cable and two drain covers have been seized by police in Rhondda Cynon Taff in an operation to target metal thefts.

The aluminium kegs, which are suspected of being stolen from the Mountain Ash area, were found in a Pontypridd scrap yard during the joint operation by South Wales Police and Rhondda Cynon Taff Council.

Each year around £25m worth of beer kegs are stolen in the UK which has an effect on the price of beer. An empty keg is worth around £75 and each has individual markings to identify where it has come from.

Operation Haribo targeted individuals and vehicles believed to be linked to theft of metals – including cars, lead from buildings and copper. Visits were then made to scrap dealers across RCT to ensure they complied with regulations

Following investigations at six scrap metal dealers, two men were arrested on suspicion of handling stolen goods and are also being investigated for allegedly failing to keep proper records of whom they were purchasing scrap metal from.

As well as the beer kegs, the operation also led to the recovery of two RCT drain covers, a British Telecom lamppost, DVLA wheel clamps, and a large amount of National Grid and Network Rail cable.

Sergeant Nick Jenkins, who is based in Pontypridd and led the operation, said: “Metal is being stolen in various forms from high voltage copper cables, lead from schools and churches to manhole covers and railway signalling cable. “Metal thieves will literally steal anything in order to sell it on for cash.”

Earlier this year aluminium liners were stolen from more than 40 gravestones at Ynsybwl Cemetery and on a separate occasion three men were arrested for stealing a council bin. Recently items such as radiators and washing lines have been going missing from gardens.

Sergeant Jenkins added: “Metal theft is not a victim-less crime. Metal is often stolen from community buildings, which costs taxpayers money to replace, and those responsible are often involved in other forms of criminality.

“We are continuing to make Rhondda Cynon Taff a difficult place for criminals and Operation Haribo sends a clear message out to anyone involved in the scrap metal industry that we are taking this sort of criminality extremely seriously.”

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