Electric blanket users urged to get safety check

Swansea residents who use electric blankets are being urged to get them tested to ensure they are safe to use.

The call comes after 53 percent of blankets tested at recent similar events failed basic safety checks.

Swansea Council and Mid & West Wales Fire Service are holding a special safety event in the Grand Theatre on Tuesday 17th Jan between 9.30am to 12.30pm.

Anyone who missed the recent events can go along to and get their blanket tested.

If tests show the blanket is a risk then owners can either purchase a new one themselves or the Mid and West Wales Fire Service will provide one for free if the person agrees to a full fire risk safety check of their home.

Hayley Walder, of Swansea Council’s Trading Standards team, said: “So far we have tested over 100 blankets and more than half failed the basic safety tests.

“The safety events held in October clearly highlighted how many people out there have faulty electric blankets in their homes.

“I’d urge anyone with an electric blanket to come along and get it checked out by experts because it costs nothing and could potentially save lives.”

Around a thousand fires a year are caused by faulty electric blankets and statistics show about 60 per cent of blankets checked at similar events in Swansea last year failed basic safety tests.

Call Hayley at Trading Standards on 01792 635600 for more details or to book your appointment.

Only limited numbers of blankets can be tested and this will be done on a first come-first served basis. People can also drop by the venues on the day but an immediate appointment can’t be guaranteed.


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