Eluned Parrott Responds to IWA Poll

Eluned Parrott AM Portrait 2Responding to the new opinion poll for the Institute of Welsh Affairs, Eluned Parrott AM, Constitutional Affairs Spokesperson, said:

“This poll overwhelmingly shows that the people of Wales are in favour of the devolution of power from Westminster to Cardiff.

“With the Liberal Democrats as part of a Coalition Government, we are the driving force behind radical change.  Devolution is now moving at a pace it hasn’t seen before.   In just three years, the Liberal Democrats have achieved a referendum on law making powers and are now delivering further powers by implementing the Silk Commission’s key recommendations.  These new powers will give Wales the opportunity to improve its economy whilst giving people more of a say over how they are governed.

“It is pleasing to see such a clear majority of people being in favour of Wales having borrowing powers.  These powers will enable Wales to develop its infrastructure and strengthen its economy.

“There is currently no clear majority with regards to tax varying powers.  This highlights how essential it will be for all parties to work together on this issue much like they did in the 2011 referendum.  Tax varying powers would mean that for the very first time, the amount of money a Welsh government spends could be directly linked to success in promoting economic development.  Nearly all other national parliaments have this power and the Welsh Liberal Democrats believe that Wales should be no different.”

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