Eluned Parrott: Wales Shouldn’t Slip Behind UK Average on Unemployment Again

Eluned Parrott AM Portrait 2Commenting on figures published today showing Welsh unemployment matching the UK average of 6.6%, Eluned Parrott, Welsh Liberal Democrat Shadow Economy Minister, said:
“Once again, this is good news. For too long Wales lagged behind the UK in economic activity and employment rates. The Welsh Labour Government must now work with the Coalition Government and continue to keep up the pressure on this vital issue. This good news must become the norm rather than the exception.

“We have now seen Wales match the UK average for two consecutive months. There is no reason why Wales should slip behind the UK again in terms of unemployment.”

Figures for the UK as a whole are promising too, with the overall jobless total falling to a five year low of 2.15 million (6.6%). Eluned Parrott added:

“The Liberal Democrats’ overarching goal when forming the Coalition Government was to get our economy back on track.  These figures are further proof that measures taken by the Coalition Government are working.

“Liberal Democrats in the UK Government are building a stronger economy. Today, through record numbers of people in work, we can see what that means for people across Wales and the United Kingdom.”


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