Eventful libraries in Denbighshire

A series of events are taking place to keep library users in the Vale of Clwyd entertained over the coming weeks.

A story and song time for young children will keep them entertained on Tuesday,  26 October at 2pm.

Crime writer, Geraint Evans will be talking about his novels – Y Llwybr and Llafnau at Ruthin Library on Tuesday, 23 November at 2pm.  This event will take place through the medium of Welsh.

Author Clare Dudman will be joining the Denbigh Library Reading Group on Thursday, October 21st at 2pm to discuss her new novel A Place of Meadows and Tall Trees. All welcome.

On Thursday, November 4th and 11th between  2-4pm, sessions on how to use Ancestry.com and other resources will be held at Denbigh Library for those interested in family history.  Pre-booking is essential. For further details and to book contact the library on 01745 816313.


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